Saturday, May 4, 2013

Ubisoft pulls a SimCity with new release, Marvel Heroes open beta weekend, Aliens developer Bankrupt..

Let's see.. what is there to see this weekend..

Nice to see Ubisoft learned absolutely NOTHING from the SimCity debacle, they released the latest game in the Heroes of Might and Magic series recently.. except no one can play it. Why? They botched the release, filling the Steam forums and the official forums with complaints about freezing, corrupt files, missing music, and more. Although it's not confirmed, it's believed to have something to do with their near-always on DRM. How many of these debacles do we need to go through before folks release that restrictive DRM punishes real customers, not the folks who download it illegally?

Marvel Heroes hit open beta this weekend (a special weekend celebrating the latest release of the Iron Man money machine, excuse me, movie series). And.. the crowd goes mild. I'm not like hearing the scuttlebutt I'm hearing about this. It's a shame, as with City of Heroes gone, there's room for a good superhero MMO to go with Champions Online.

And finally, how broke is Aliens developer Timegate Studios, who recently filed for bankruptcy protection? They owed money to the local pizza place. When you can't pay for two pizzas, that's broke.

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