Saturday, May 18, 2013

An extra large (and extra late) Friday Funspot for 5/17/13

Sorry about the delay.. but there's a lot to get to, so let's get the Funspot underway.

E3 or not to E3. That is the question....

Interesting bit of news, as low-end Android gaming console Ouya is amongst the companies to diversify AWAY from the E3 show floor (likely to be dominated by the new PS and new Xbox and all that goes with it), by running their floor.. from the parking lot across the street. While that's kinda cool, it does also say low budget to me. Not that's a surprise.. I do think that future versions of the Ouya could be kind of interesting, but the low-end stats (beaten by two generations of Android phones and tablets already, before the console hits full release), and demand that all games be free or freemium (with real money purchased content) means that they have a very long road to relevancy.

Nintendo to hold mini-E3 at... Best Buy???

And speaking of E3, We already knew that Nintendo wasn't going to be a huge presence at the gaming showcase, but this is an interesting way to step around the hoopla, holding 100 "mini-E3" events at Best Buy stores across the US and Canada all during the week of E3, featuring new and games coming to Wii U in the future. It's an interesting bit of synergy, and I'll be interested to see how this goes.. not to mention the fact that if it wasn't for the new systems being demoed, E3 would be more like E1.75

And if you just hit Powerball, you may want this..

UK retailer Costco is offering a replica F1 vehicle set up for racing games... for a mere 90 thousand pounds. I do like the classification as an ultrabook in the Costco system. More like an ultramegasuprultimabook, huh?

Version of Madden 25 to offer free access to Sunday Ticket

Interesting, for those of you who are football junkies, but can't get DirecTV where they are (like I am, our house can't receive the HD signals due to trees), or find the price of the Sunday Ticket Max package to be intimidating, you may want to keep an eye on Amazon. EA will be offering a special 25th anniversary edition of NFL 25 (so named for the length of time the game's been around), for $100, but the extras are huge.

It offers 17 free weeks of extras through Madden Ultimate Team, and a code for free Sunday Ticket. That's about $400 worth of stuff (if you already have DirecTV, you just enter the code, and can watch it on your TV, if you don't, you can watch it on your smartphone, tablet, or computer).

Interesting, and here I was thinking that Madden was a pretty good deal when you got it with a subscription to a certain sports magazine..

Nintendo Up...

Nintendo has an announced a deal with Sega for an exclusive to the next three Sonic titles. Two of them are already known (Sonic: Lost Worlds and Mario and Sonic at the Sochi Winter Olympics), while the third is yet unannounced. While Sonic is nowhere near the system seller that they were in the "good old days", I wish I had a time machine to go back and tell the young me that there'll be a day when Sonic is exclusive to Nintendo.

The young me would probably have the old me committed because I'd obviously be deranged.

And Nintendo Down....

Well, the relationship between EA and Nintendo hasn't been anywhere near good lately, but this is probably icing things over just a wee tiny bit.

EA Sports senior Engineer Bob Summerwill responded to a story that said EA had no games at all in the pipeline for the WiiU with a couple tweets that were brutally honest. Emphasis on the word brutal.

"The WiiU is crap. Less powerful than an Xbox 360. Poor online/store. Weird tablet. Nintendo is walking dead at this point. Nintendo still thinks its 1990." and went on to say that Nintendo would have been better served by farming their core characters (the Marios/Links/etcetera) out to other gaming systems

Folks, this is like being asked the proverbial question "Honey, does this dress make me look fat", and saying "No, at least not compared to Jabba the Hutt."

Again, it's honest, and probably true, but ow. Though the tweets have since been deleted, if Nintendo DOES pull out of the tailspin, you can imagine some frosty conversations between Nintendo and EA going forward.

Ubisoft creates a game about taking other people's loot.. while trying to prevent other people from taking your loot.

It sounds kinda bizarre, but you can consider The Quest for Mighty Loot a simultaneous tower defense/attack game. You build your castle to protect your loot. You set up traps, monsters and winding paths to prevent others from getting the stuff you stole fair and square. Meanwhile, you're off raiding other people's castles to steal their undeserved loot.

Intriguing. We'll see how it turns out, the game's entering closed beta soon

They called it Loadout.. because Gunporn is too accurate a name

Looks like Uber Entertainment, the folks behimd the endlessly amusing Monday Night Combat series, have their next game out in beta (available in Steam Early Access) called Loadout. Loadout is a Freemium shooter with an insane amount of weapon customization. I'm not talking about a new and better AK-47.. we're talking stuff that would make Borderlands 2 folks go "Bwuh" in sheer overload of options. We're talking a level of customization that would make Team Fortress 2 folks cry into their infinite collection of hats.

Check out the game on Steam (it's pay to access in beta) here

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