Monday, April 15, 2013

Thoughts, hours later

I don't know if I'll ever hit publish on this post.... but it's one of those things I have something in my head, and I need to write it down to get it out of there.

We're now at a point where a lot of the basic facts are known about today's tragic incident. Over a hundred injured, and at least two dead from a senseless, cowardly attack on an international event that celebrates pushing the limit of the human body, will and spirit.

I couldn't take anymore. I turned off the TV, and did what I normally do when I need a distraction from the world. I loaded up my steam game list. And then I realized that I couldn't hit play.

I had tried a new F2P shooter game called Warframe last night that I liked. Couldn't hit play. Binary Domain.  Company of Heroes. X-Com. See a trend there?

It's easy to talk about kill/death ratio in shooters, or how we fought off 100 to 1 odds in some fantasy war games.. or complain about how unrealistic the latest game's weapons are.

For a lot of us, on PC and Xbox, we disappear into video games to insulate us from a world that can be cruel and unfeeling. Tonight, I don't think I can disappear into that alternate world. Because it reminds me too much of the world we live in.

Hug your loved ones tonight. And to the first responders whose response was to run towards disaster to treat those gravely injured, rather than away, as most of us would.. Thank you. You are the best of us.

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