Wednesday, June 19, 2013

How Video Games imitate Peanuts...

Here's a bit of a complicated equation for you.

Charlie Brown, Lucy, and the Football, is equal to gamers, EA and realistic game play.

That's right, gamers are Charlie Brown, and every year we get suckered in by EA/Lucy..

"This year's NCAA is more realistic than ever! You'll swear you're watching a game on ESPN on Saturday".

We buy into it warily and approach it, and at first blush, it seems that yes, this is the time we'll kick that football and have a realistic game! The first reviews come in, and talk about how smooth the players move, and how realistic it is..

and you want to believe it. Oh, do you EVER want to believe it. This is the year that NCAA will play true to life, and give us something worth playing over and over and over.

And then you start finding the small things, the glitches, the money plays, the vacumn blocking that makes no sense.

And it ends up, with us, just like Charlie Brown, staring at the sky, and wondering how we didn't kick the football. Yet again.

But we keep coming back. We want to believe.

The demo's out, and I'm trying hard not to play it. Because I know I'll get sucked in, buy the full game, and end up going "AUUUUUGHHH!" and landing flat on my back, wondering how EA managed to pull the football away this time.

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