Saturday, March 23, 2013

Sunday thoughts..

Thanks to my good friend TK for getting me a ticket to PAX East, and a fun time was had by all, well, until my knee went several ways at the same time apparently.. so while I'm waiting for the pain killers to settle in, you get a new post.

Just saw a news bit that the DuckTales Remastered game brought back all the original voice actors from the show. That includes 94 year old Alan Young, who provided the voice for Scrooge McDuck. That is awesome.

Interesting to see that they're bringing the latest XCom game to Iphones and the like. They say it will be the full game, but you have to wonder how they can do that.

Also in Firaxis news, they're teasing a new XCom game or a DLC featuring a new threat at PAX today... going to be intrigued on where they take the series, which will apparently have a bit of a cross over with Civilization V (new expansion in July) where you can research the Xcom project and drop xcom troopers on your enemies..

And as a kind of a Post Mortem of the Mass Effect Trilogy, they released a graphic showing the breakdown of the game's stats. Amongst the things that jumped out at me was the breakdown between male and female Shepherd.. With the amount of "FemShep is the real Shepherd!" I've seen online, I was expecting FemShep to be played by more than the 18% that was recorded.

The coolest stat was that its players spent 88.3 million man-hours playing the game (that's 8,625 years).

I was going to joke that didn't even count the 25 million man-hours that players then spent online being angry at the ending, but that just may be the painkillers talking.

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