Saturday, March 16, 2013

Coming Soon: Saints Row IV, A Sports Sequel to Frozen Synapse, D&D Re-releases and more..

Quite a few interesting games that were announced in the pipeline this week

Saints Row IV: This Time, He's the President with Superpowers!

I have to admit, I loved Saints Row: The Third when I played it on PC. It was so over the top ridiculous and fun that I still have it on my machine now. From all indications, Saints Row IV takes a series that was already "Turned up to Eleven" and breaks the knob off and shoves it down someone's throat. That's right, the Saints Boss is now the president of the United States, and he'll be put in a situation where aliens invade, and he (and the Saints) will be put in a VR situation where the Saints have superpowers.

Normally, I'd be like that guy from the show frantically waving my dollar bills in the air screaming "SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY".. but honestly, I see enough yellow flags here that I may not be a day one purchase.

First off, it's rumored that the core of this games was scheduled to be a DLC for Saints Row The Third, called Enter the Dominatrix. So there's the "Paying Full Price for what is a pumped-up DLC" yellow flag

Secondly: You think if their had been a full new game in the pipeline, considering how many bajillions bought the previous games, THQ would have announced it in an attempt to secure funding to keep it alive. Then you get this announcement so soon after THQ's demise...

And finally, the release date is in August. Yes, I'm concerned a game is coming out too soon. Aren't these games usually hyped well before five months before release, at least a "It's Coming?" (actually, considering where SR would have gone with that, probably a good thing that they didn't say exactly that)

As I said, no red flags, but I'm nervous.

Frozen Synapse meets Football: Frozen Endzone

A lot of the turn based strategy fans I know loved Frozen Synapse. It had a weird flavor where both sides executed commands at the same time in a turn based manner to make outguessing the human opponent very fun. So, they've turned this into a game where the same kind of thing happens, but instead of shooting each other, you're trying to get a ball into the endzone on a field that is never the same twice. I never could get into Frozen Synapse, as I never got into the communities when I picked it up in beta and never had that moment  where it all clicked. I'll definitely give this game a look when it hits beta later this year (it's currently on Steam Greenlight), and for a release next year.

Dungeons and Dragons arcade game re-releases:

Give me something relatively decent related to Dungeons and Dragons and I've played it. Gold Box series? Check. Eye of the Beholder? Check. Icewind Dale? Check. Baldur's Gate? Check. Neverwinter Nights 1 and 2? Check and Check.  Heck, I even own the original disk for the Temple of Elemental Evil (Which is so buggy, I'm surprised it didn't come with an exterminator ad inside).

So I was very happy to see the news that there's going to be a re-release of the D&D arcade games (Shadow over Mystara and Tower of Doom) for PSN and Xbox Live. The details, such as cost and release date will likely be announced at PAX East. Can't wait.

You Got Your Shin Megami Tensei in my Fire Emblem!

And finally, in a personal note: I'm a sucker for a good turn based battle game, that's why I was so happy when Fire Emblem Awakening came out. Nintendo somewhat botched the release, not expecting so much interest in the game? How badly did they botch it? There wasn't enough copies at a lot of game stores to fufill pre-orders (this happened to fuel a couple conspiracy theories that Nintendo purposely did this to force people to get it from their digital download service). But they finally got more copies in the pipeline, and the result has been the hottest US release of any game of the series. The previous record for a Fire Emblem game was 230K copies total, Fire Emblem: Awakening was 150K in its first month alone. So it's good to see that Atlus is striking while the iron is hot, offering a crossover between the Fire Emblem series and another popular series from Japan, the Shin Megami Tensei series for the Wii U.

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